Everyone is God & the Prophesies are Now www.iawwai.com

This blog is the day to day story of what happens when somebody thinks that everyone is God and the Prophesies are now. I currently work in a Church, St James Piccadilly, and do public talks explaining to people how it is that everyone is God and the Prophesies are definitely now. My audience and mailing list are steadily growing and I've almost finished my website. It's on www.iawwai.com and also I'm half way through writing my book.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

almost sleepzzz

Just about to goto bed. Just got Google analytics installed on my website, very excited, can't wait for the statistics and graphs to start rolling in. Just had look on ebay and checked up on my bids for 70s micronaut figures I made the other day. Also bid on another micronaut toy. I used to think grown ups collecting the toys of their childhood were old and senile.
Had good chat with the new part time verger at work today. Seems nice, friendly lad just finished music college, from India Calcutta. Atmosphere at work friendly, sorted Finna the site manager out showing her how to back up her stuff.
Just recovered from a bit of flu. Talk coming up and going to have to prepare for it. Other than that have been working on my website a lot. Met Emma's friend Jackie yesterday who seems very pleasant.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Lazy Sunday

Spent morning working a lot on the website www.iawwai.com, cleared up house a bit then went to Cheam to visit the Parents. Eat a lot and have very lazy Sunday, doodling about on the Web. Placed a couple of bids for 70s Micronaut toys on ebay. Now why did I do that? Funny if I win the auction! Really getting into the web big time, these days. Think I'll try to go jogging later on, I feel bloated from all the home cooking.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Just started my blog, finally

On my day off today. It's Saturday, did a lot of work on the website www.iawwai.com earlier. Cooking black eyed bean curry and watching a documentary on Communism currently. Watched a discovery channel documentary on Chairman Mao just slightly earlier. What a waste of time the cultural revolution was for China!

My girlfriend is visiting her Parents up in Doncaster so things are a bit quiet in the flat. Feels a bit funny sleeping alone.

Going to work more on the Website later and also will investigate this myspace thing.

Hungry! Must eat.